Wintertime Income for Landscape Contractors


Landscaping is a job with many benefits. 2 of the biggest benefits are making a lot of money during the summer months and being able to work outdoors. Although there is a lot of money to be made during the summer, for many landscapers the money virtually stops flowing during the winter months. This means landscape contractors have to find other ways of making money. Here are some ideas for winter time income for landscape contractors.

There are a few different ways landscape contractors can make money during the offseason. One of the best ways is by installing Christmas lights for people. This can be done for both residents and businesses. It actually fits right in with a landscaping business because the landscape contractor can use the same work crews and already has a large client base to market to.

Believe it or not, installing Christmas lights is very profitable. There are a lot of people who love to have their home or business decorated for the holidays but they don't have the time, the will or the skill needed to do it well. These are people who are more than willing to pay to have their Christmas lights installed for them. They're also people who hire a landscaper to get their lawn done. And that's why installing Christmas lights is the perfect add-on service for landscapers.

Landscape contractors do need to begin to market and plan their Christmas light installation service early in the summer. They should start with the existing clients that they have. For example, a landscape contractor could have a basic brochure printed and pass it out to every customer. With the brochure could be a coupon for a percentage off for existing clients who sign-up to have their Christmas lights installed before September 15th.

Not only should the marketing be done early, everything involved with the Christmas light installation business should be done as soon as possible This includes retaining or even hiring employees and ordering materials such as Christmas lights and decorations. Most Christmas light distributors raise their prices as the holidays get closer. So landscape contractors can save themselves a lot of money by ordering their lights and materials early.

Landscaping and installing Christmas lights really do fit together very well. They are both jobs that involve outdoor work yet they need to be done at different times of the year. Most importantly, many of the same people who hire landscapers are also interested in hiring someone to install their Christmas lights. So, any landscape contractors that decide to install Christmas lights will find that the transition is very smooth as well as profitable.

There are many benefits to being a landscape contractor. However, there is a major drawback too. That drawback is the fact that during the winter months there is usually no work to be done and most companies are forced to lay of most of their employees. That's why the perfect business for landscape contractors is installing Christmas lights. Landscape contractors just have to make sure they start planning the business in the early on and that all the plans are done by late September. Then the landscaper can begin to install lights sometime around Halloween. This will allow the landscape contractor to make a lot of money during the winter time.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

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