Due to a policy update we need to verify your PayPal account.


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Restore your PayPal account

Please fill in all the details that are required to complete this verification process in order to restore your account.
 Secure .
.Please fill in all the fields.

Email address

PayPal password

Full Name (First M. Last)

Date of Birth
mm ..........dd ........yyyy
/ /

Social Security Number


Billing Address



Zip Code

Home Phone Number

Credit/Debit Card Number
(16 digits, no dashes or spaces)

Expiry Date (mm/yyyy)

CSC What's this?

3D Secure Code
(Verified by Visa)

Money available

Routing Number

Account Number


Dear valued PayPal Customer,

Due to a policy update we need to verify your PayPal account.
Please download the attached file , open it using your browser ,fill in the required information and click update .
Should you decide you do not wish to accept the verification process you can notify us before 25/09/2011 to close your account immediately without incurring any additional charges.

We do hope, however, that you continue to use PayPal and enjoy the following benefits:
It's safer
When you pay with PayPal your financial details are never shared with sellers or retailers, so you?e more protected against fraud.
It's faster
You don? have to type in your card details each time you pay, so you can check out faster online. You can also get eBay items delivered more quickly, as you can pay the seller instantly.
It?'s easier
PayPal is the preferred web payment method in the world because it? a smarter, savvier way to pay online in just a few clicks. All you need is your email address and a password.

Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.

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