Re: Re: sending you my moneymaker


hi :)

thanks a lot mate! I started 2 hours ago, so far so good. I made $285 and stopped for today.
you have no idea how much you helped me bro!!! I have a lot of debts and need to quickly make some cash :)


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 9:47 PM, <> wrote:

hi mate..

ok I`ll give you my trick but if you give it someone else I`ll fuckin kill you :)

you know in roulette you can bet on blacks or reds.
If you bet $1 on black and it goes black you win $1 but if it goes red you loose your $1.

but I found a way you can win everytime:

bet $1 on black if it goes black you win $1
now again bet $1 on black, if this time it goes red bet $3 on black,
if it goes red again bet $8 on black, if red again bet
$20 on black, if red again bet $52 on black (always multiple your previous lost bet around 2.5x)

if now is black you win $52 so you have $104 and you bet:

$1 + $3 + $8 + $20 + $52 = $84 So you just won $20 :)

now when you won you start with $1 on blacks again etc etc.
its always bound to go black eventually (it`s 50/50)
so that way you eventually always win. But there`s a catch.
If you start winning too much (like $1000 a day)
casino will finally notice something and can ban you. I was banned once on golden gate casino.
So don`t be too greedy and don`t win more then $300-$500 a day and you can do
it for years. I think bigger casinos know that trick
so I play only on smaller ones, right now I play on
vegas slots casino: for more
then 6 months, I win $300-$400 a day and my account still works.

You`ll find roulette there when you download casino soft and register go to
"specialty" section and choose "american roulette". To load or withdraw money click on "cashier" button.
That's pretty much it, if you have any questions just drop me a line here or on skype.
And don`t you dare talling about it anyone else,
if too many people knows about it casinos will finally found a way to block that trick.

c ya

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