b8ikm4rfv.newblogspot09.autocar@blogger.com Scot.tish sc+ientist, Ale*xander F*leming, disco_vered the fi'rst antibiot,ic, *penicillin, in -1928. Ev_en if' you have be.en suffering* from allergy ,since you 'were a+ child somet.hing can be _done! *Obesity na*turally 'poisons my f_amily li+fe. My children a_re u_nhappy but we c_an't* solve the pr,oblem. Cho,lesterol ca'n build up on' th*e inside the b+lood ves'sels of yo*ur heart. Tha+t's ,no way he+althy! When y-our body g+ets too 'many calori-es it accum.ulates the fat_ & you ge't obese.* Horrib-le, isn't, it? We don't kn_ow what it me.ans to s-uffer f*rom asthma but _we know +how to hel_p these pe'ople. Do you* kno+w any home re,medies or t-ricks f+or asthma?+ I can _share some grea+t tricks wi.th you! _The mor'e obese a m,an is, th-e more likely. they'r,e to have medi*cal problems' r*elated to obesity.. Different- types of _bacte'ria sur-round us everywhere_ a-ll the time.. It is h*ard to avoid +infection's. One o'f the most c_ommon side e*ffects+ of antibio.tics is -yeast overgrowth+. It's *dangerous… Obes+ity can. stri.ke not only adults 'bu_t alsp childre_n and ad+olescent*s too. Take care *of you'r family! Teen-s report ma_ny reas+ons f+or abusin_g prescription an+d over-the,-counter .drugs ,like painkill,ers. Do yo.u know the e.arly sign*s of an asthm-a attack? 'T,heir variety may' reall+y surprise_ you. About 75*% of pat-ients with a*sthma al-so have freque'nt gastroe,sophag.eal ref-lux diseas.e. Occupation,al asthma is 'caused by br.eathing in- fumes+, gases+, pollen or d+ust while on t,he -job. Non-breast c+hildre,n more often s-uffer from' a.llergies and as+thma, th-an breast-'fed children.* Obesity -is a proble*m that i-s not taken se*riously b+y most peo*ple. 'Are you ,aware of the -risk? If one o.f your* parents ,suffered f+rom obesity y_ou should+ be especi'ally c-areful with w-hat you+ eat! Most a*llergy-pr-ovoking grass*es are widespr.ead thro*ughout the w'orld. Ha,ve your+ drug on you! ,Wi.th all of the stori.es of f+ood al_lergies ,swirling a+round in the* press, yo_u should kno*w the trut*h. Some s*tudies 'show that breastf.eeding dec'reases the _ch'ances for ,a child to develop_ food a_llergies....- Our* environment_al situa.tion often cause,s nu+merous allergies i.n p.eople of all ,ages and rac'es.' The risk of *antibiot-ic associated d.iarrhea rise*s with how' of'ten and how long t*he drug. is +taken. Tobacco an.d alcohol ab,use ca+n dam+age blood ves,sels or re'strict bloo+d flow to _your pe*nis. Don't -let erectile d_ysfu'nction destr-oy your sex-life+! Check_ out the *treatment op*tion+s we offer. Ther*e is a del*icate balance+ of billi-ons of *bacteria i,nside o.ur digestive 'tract+. Get prepa+red! Up to 4 o_ut of' 5 people wi_th asthma have _tro_uble with no*isy breath+ing during+ or after e.xercise. A.sthma t'ogether with -allergy i_s one of the ,most common, healt-h proble*ms in the Unit_ed Stat*es. I know no+thing about_ the in'gredients that 'are inc-luded into this. anti*biotic, but. it really ,works! Why ar+e peo*ple get'ting addicted +to pa-inkillers mo-re than the 'other letha-l drugs- or alco,hol? Low ga*stric acid se+cretion and int*es'tinal overg.rowth of yea-st may cont+ribute to ,allergy o-nset. Peo.ple who become +addi'cted to drugs+ usual'ly initially cho*ose* to take them*. Watch out! Low_ cal*orie diet_ can provide_ rapid 'weight loss over+ a short per+iod- of time. Do y-ou believe i't, man? *A list of so'me ",useful foods_" have s'hown to make a bi'g i'mpact on yo+ur cholesterol l-evels. Eve'ryon,e age 20 & o,lder s+hould have- their chole*sterol mea'sured at le-ast once ever-y 5 ye,ars. Many tim_es, patients_ will s_top the use+ of an a_ntibioti+c when they feel *bett+er. It's _wrong! Food al*lergens can c_rop up -in the -least susp_ected pr-oducts, including _b'ean bag chairs, lea'r_n more... Does -the dura.tion of y*our sex d_epend on the le'ngth of y_our p.enis? Let's *find it o_ut! It's all about- u-ltimate masculin+e att.ractivenes's and sexu+al performan-ce! Learn m_ore now-! Statis_tically men who .live al+one, have* more masculine. health *problems* & poor overall ,health.+ Allergy symp-toms_ give you, a signal tha*t it's time to, t-ake a new pill and_ forg.et abo*ut allergy! Have _your father. had .problem.s with potency? If, yes, yo,u are in da*nger! H*urry up to* buy… You may _be given' other medici'nes| such+ as anti+depre.ssant drug,s to take w*ith your painki_lle*rs. The most common, al.lergies are to+ anima+l dander, cleani,ng' products or -other str'ong odours. In, most ca-ses, kids wi+th h'igh choles_terol have a par.ent who+ also has ele.vated c,holesterol_. One of ,the most c_ommon si'de effects of antib+i,otics is yea-st overgro.wth. It's d+angerous… If y-ou've ever b+een t.reated for sev_ere pain, you kno.w just how' vital pain -medication*s can+ be. Loss *of erection i,s reversible; *one can' usually r.eturn to a+ previous ,level of ar+ousal i_n some time.* With all. of the stories. of .food allerg.ies swirling ar*ound_ in the pr.ess, you should _know +the truth. ,Some *studies show th,at br'eastfeeding decreas.e_s the chan*ces for a ch+ild to d*evelop food aller*gies.... A_mong' other obes*ity trea,tment options med,ications -provide comb-ination of .resu+lt and safety. +Pleasu're for *both partne'rs comes. in many forms and .c.an be achieved- in a great va.riet-y of ways.! I don't ne'ed neither mi+racles, .nor mag.ic to have great* sex at_ the age of '55! Al+l I need' is… High doses_ of alcoho.l van+ affect your ab'ility to* have sex w,ith your partn.er'. Try to be 'reasonab*le. Food aller*gens ca-n crop up in th,e l_east suspe,cted produc*ts, includin.g bean bag ch+airs, lear-n more... W_hen th'ere is too much- chole.sterol ,in your bloo+d, it buil_ds up in the w'alls o-f your art,eries. 75 % of s*u-icides in the .world ar-e commit_ted by men who sud*denly f+aced potency p_r-oblems. Any' antibiotic- can sup+press the hea,lthy bac.teria in your -colon. Fol.low doctor's .instruction.s! Have- your fa_ther h-ad problems with po-tency? I-f yes, yo'u are in dan,ger*! Hurry up to buy…+ If, the man's heal.th -is normal, e,rections shou*ld be automati-c, .my ex-wife use*d to te.ll me. Rubbi.sh! Obesity,'s prob*ably the o.nly disease 'that c_an be caused by n.egativ+e emotions _only. Be v*ery careful! I_ hav.e never tried a 'medi*cation with such' powerf,ul e-ffect as thi_s new allergy tr_ea+tment has., People nowadays s_ea_rch more for pai-nkiller rehab- centers. than ot.her drug or al'cohol reha,bs. Ast-hma te.nds to get worse* at n_ight. Nocturnal .asthma a'ttacks *occur while' a person is s+leeping. ,Someone *who is +over 20% of _the "aver*age" heavine'ss for t.heir size, is 'judged as* being -obese. P,ainkiller a_ddiction is 'gradually b_ecoming one* of t_he most common* forms o,f drug addictio-n.- Find out more, about this pr.actical 'guide to di+agnos.ing, treatin_g, and livin'g well w*ith food alle*rgi,es. Men of-ten develop e_rections -in non-sexua*l situa.tions. For .example when *slee-ping. Try to use- it! To d-istinguish bet*ween a f*ood a.llergy & other r+eact,ions to food a' person ne.eds medic,al advic.e. Men are often* c+onfused and a+ little embarr-assed _about their ver+y per+sonal he+alth care, issues. The live_r ma.kes all the cho'lest.erol the body' needs-. But it als-o enters your bo.dy from foo,ds. Peop,le who are o_bese are ,at a much *higher* risk for ser,ious medical, conditio*ns ,and diseases. Al.lergy test i_s someth-ing that 'every p+erson ha,s to do in order _to a*void possible h.ealth risks.. Learn 'everythin.g about asthm,a incl.uding asthma ca-u'ses, risk +factors, an.d prevention.- You don,'t have to be sk+inny to red,uce +the risks that -obesity. may caus,e: pressure_ and diabe,tes. Som_eone who is ov,er 20% of' the "ave.rage"* heaviness for t-heir size', is judged a.s being obe*se. Let yo.urse'lf enjo*y amazing sex wit*h mo*st beautiful wo*men!* Say impot*ence Good Bye! _Even we,ight losses' as small as .10 percent of* b*ody weight ca'n ensure that y+ou n-ever get o-bese! S'ince the time whe-n I *started ta_king this amazin.g m_edication, wome+n call- me 'passion'! Ob_esity's pr.obably t+he o'nly disease. that can b+e caused -by negative emoti.ons only_. Be very car,eful! It i*s true +that con+suming ,too much *alcohol can af-fect a man's- ability to g.et +& maintain +erection. It-'s hard to thi+nk abo*ut the time_ when y+ou may face im-potence an'd lose your .pot-ency! In the pa*st, m+any people ,thought obesity, was si+mply caused _by overea'ting & *under-exercisi'ng. If' you or your chi*ld have as-thm*a symptoms at _night,- it is impor-tant that you -tel,l your doctor. Ac*tu,ally every _third sexually act'ive ma,n in the w'orld fa*ces problems ,with poten_cy once. To di.s-tinguish between a -food+ allergy & o-ther reacti'ons *to food a person n,eeds medic+al advice*. New medi+cine will h,elp -prevent t'he symptoms *from worsen*ing and causin+g an _asthma attack. -Every -woman dream-s of a pas_sionat'e and tende_r man, a.nd there's no+thing ab_out impotence. Lea'rn more_ about adu+lt-onse,t asthma and how_ you can t+re_at the symptoms -to breat+he easil.y. I don_'t think this a,mazing medic*ation br,ings .anything but hi*gh potency t.o my husban_d! Medi'a image*s lead *us to belie-ve that men are al*ways rea,dy for s.ex physic-ally and psy,chological*ly. I prom'ise you that _the- medicat*ion I'm talk+ing about will' improv,e your sexua,l life 5 time,s! Yo.u'll never get ,ad-dicted to a pai'nkiller if, you c+onsult with y-our doctor a*nd follow in'struction's. Tell yo_ur doct.or about all th.e side- effects you o_bs_erve when taking +presc'ription pai+nkillers. Obe_sit'y can stri'ke not only adult+s but al.sp childr*en and adol-escent.s too. Take car*e of your +family! A+ntibiotics eff'ec+tively pre*vent any bact_erial infe+ctions fro'm spreading -over your- organ'ism. Nearl*y all cases of 'asthma-relat*ed deaths _result fr_om a- lack of oxyg+en, not from ca+rdiac ar-rest. Causes- of erect-ile dysfu'nction ca'n be phys_ical or -psychological,_ but, not relat_ed to und.erwear. What me-dications_ are ava*ilable to _lower chol*esterol, *lipids, and tri+glyc*erides? All_ info's her_e! Obesity natu.rally poison.s my+ family life._ My *children are unh_appy but -we ca,n't solve t.he problem. Sho*uld y*ou experience any- un.expected r,eaction to ,an antibiotic, i'mmediat-ely call+ your docto.r! Fort.y percent o.f non-Hispanic- Blacks _and nearly one .qua.rter of Me+xican Americ,ans are obese. -M.any painkill,ers can ca-use addict_ion, so it's+ important t*o follow th+e ins*tructions _carefully. _Unemplo-yment and impotenc+e pro_blems are m.ajor causes of +depres_sion and suic.ide in +men. If you'_re tired_ of coun.ting every sin'gle ca.lorie, try out* our ,new obesity. treatment medic*ation. _What inno+vations can be_ f+ound in pharm.aceuti+cals? Most inn.ovative al'lergy t'reatment for yo'u! With all, of the sto-ries of f+ood aller_gies swirli-ng aroun.d in t.he press, ,you should know *the t,ruth. Som*e studies+ show that breas-tfee,ding decreases +the chances f.or a c-hild to devel*op food alle'rgies.._.. If+ you think befo+re you eat .and keep act,ive du+ring the day+ you. are protected fro,m- obesity! Men ar.en't- likely to visit h,ealth prof*essiona.ls & *they may miss' chances t+o improve -their health. .Men_ are less lik+ely to visit h,ealth care ,providers+ & t_hey miss out on c-hances_ to prevent il'lness. Asth-matics hav,ing s.evere or near-,fatal a'sthma at+tacks are like+ly to have* fatal a*sthma att,acks. Yo*ur genes partly d.etermine. how 'high your chole.sterol is. 'High- cholestero-l runs in fami-lies'. It is quite *safe to take* you'r pain relief dru.g fo-r as long as you- nee*d to, if it is* helping your- pain. An*y ant'ibiotic can_ suppress the h_ealthy bac_teria _in you-r colon. Fol_low doctor's _instructio'ns! Asth.ma att-ack happens when' the airwa+ys muscles sq-ueez'e tight, caus+ing th-e airways to na_rrow. , Many peopl'e repo,rt nausea and *sometimes- vomiting aft'er ta_king strong. pain reli.ef medica+tions. There +exist numerou_s exercises *that are a+bsolu_tely sa+fe for those who ,suf,fer from asth,ma. Beco-me one of th*ose happy ,men who so+lved t-heir problems _with p_otency eas.ily! If your chil_d prod*uces whistlin+g or hissing *so*unds with each br*eath,. may be _its asthma attack*. 'About a thir*d of all people* suff-ering from asth,ma *in the USA are chil,dren* under age e,ighteen,. Even weight l-osses as, small as 10 p_erce_nt of bo_dy weight can ensu,re that ,you n+ever get o,bese! Pain*killers can caus'e nausea*, ap'athy, vomiting, and, most .significantly., res*piratory depr_ession. 'Asthma a.ffects more+ and more peopl_e e'very year. Do you, know how_ to *act iŕ you, face it? What ,antibiotic_s are meant. for is e,ffective bac+terial_ infections t-reatment. 'Did you k,now *that? Chroni.c pain is hard to+ live -with 'and many people t.ake p_rescription p.ainki-llers to st-op it. There is. no idea*l medicatio.n for, potency improve'ment but this. amazing d*isc-overy! You ar'e a lucky, man & we hav.e chosen_ you to t+ry our most ef*fective po,tency boo,ster! A-bsolutely n_ew edge o.f breathtaki-ng sex is ope+n for yo_u with* the help of ou,r ,brand new d,rug! Quite oft'en wome,n over the _age of 55 t-end to, have higher 'blood cho.lesterol le-vels than+ men. I'm not g*oing to. discuss the b_asics of al_lergy tr,eatment. A' reasonable ,perso+n alre+ady knows it! Wh,y are people+ getting 'addic.ted to pai*nkillers mor.e than the ot+her- lethal drugs or 'alcohol? You-r *risk of diabetes, -he'art disease, strok*e, *arthriti+s and some cancer's inc*reases in case of* obesity. .The us+e of al,cohol prior to* or during .sex- is not rec*ommended. -It nay re_sult in erectile d.ysf_unction. Ast-hma is mo-re common in Afri-can 'American ch-ildren than i*n white_ children, ,for s'ome reason. S+easonal allergy *is s,omething tha't I can ,not hear abo+ut an_y more. Ju*st gimme the new* drug! ,Drastic and. unreali_stic diet & beha.vio,r changes, like cr_ash diet*s c_an seriously dam.age your* health! Chocol_ate can_ be given _to asthmatics+ duri,ng an acute. exacerb.ation if no- treatment is, available.+ Forty pe,rcent o.f non-Hispa.nic Blacks+ and nearl,y one qu.arter o,f Mexican A,mericans ar+e obese. ,Penicillin was the' f+irst antibioti-c. Now there e,xist* more th*an one hundr,ed. What's yours+? _People wh+o are aller-gic to pollen or -latex -may experien'ce p,roblems whe,n eating s,ome foods.. Proper use of an,ti,biotics can st*op infectio,n and s.ave lives, but yo.u s+hould be very *caref,ul! Obesity of'ten cause,s peopl*e's deaths. B'ut eve,n more often it c-auses' chronic depress*ion &. anger. , Managing high -chol.esterol isn't a sim_ple -do-it-yo_urself pr+oject. You ne*ed professio'nal help! N_o matter how *much you_ have read a.b-out asthma, it a'lways has s.omething t_o surpri_se you. Effec.tive natur.al reme_dies for' asthma focus u-pon unders,tand'ing root ca,uses of t'he disease,. Have you he.ard t-hat chocol'ate can help sto-p severe a_sthma attac,k? -I witnessed .it workin_g!!! Look f+or ways th*at you might be 'distra+cting yo_urself du.ring sexu'al activity. Att_enti,on matters! Did you+ think 'that your al-lerg,y is the most u'npleasant_? I'm sure th_ere mor_e horrible r.eactions. B_efor*e the age of ,menopaus+e, wom-en have lower ch.olesterol -level +than men of, the same age.. Betwee*n 35 and +50 percen-t of men w,ith diabetes exp,erienc-e erec_tile dysfunction. T-a-ke good care!. Although the+ little blue+ pill ,has made many* a man happ-y, the.re are ne_w drugs on the. marke+t. Ther+e are no wrong o.besity t+reatment meth+ods! Th+e one th'at helps yo_u lose weight .is always r-ight! Disc.over+ which forms of -exercise a*re bes.t for peo-ple with. asthma and how t*o control, it. M'egathin (Weigh_t Loss, diet, 'die.t pills)_ breast enh*ancer bronchodil*ator Pemphi_gus Persant.ine (Dipyr*idamole,, persanti-n) Fu_razolidone ,— Diarrhea,, Enteritis Cas_odex (Bical_utamide', Cosudex,' Calutide,_ Kalumid, Bica,lox) .chroni+c bronchitis mebend+azole c*ough tava*nic itchy ey_es fmf, tonic alben ,lucen z*-pak Ovral_ G (Norgestrel+, Eth*inyloestradiol) S'i.lagra — ED, +Impotence t'retinoin _antiox Yagara (H,erba'l Viagra) [y+agara] (Herba*l Viag.ra) Detrol — Ove.ra.ctive Bladder, Uri_nary In,cont-inence Vitamin ,B Complex (t,hiamine, p*yridox.ine, cobalam+in) pro_xen colon_ cleansing T'rikatu Bactri_m [bactr*im] (*Co-trimoxa,zole, trimetho*prim, sulfamet+hoxazole, S.ept-ra, septra ds+, bactrim d,s, cip+lin, ciplin ds, S-eptri+n) Urispas (F*lav.oxate, mus.cle relaxe.r, muscle rel'axant) .triphala *himcospaz palip+eridone h.yperuricemi_a Azo.r (amlodipine, olme,sartan) * d.iltelan pa-nmycin Pyrantel Pa_moate Susp,ension ,Cleocin [cle-ocin] *(Clindam,ycin, Dalacin,' Clin,acin, Evoclin) *Acomplia+ — Weight L,oss, Obesity, _Weight Ma+nageme'nt Lipothin (,Weight Lo-ss, die+t, diet pi.lls) Anafrani,l — Dep-ression, Obsessi.ve_-Compulsive, Disorder, OCD, 'Panic Di*sorder, P.anic *Attacks, Nar.colepsy, Chr.onic Pa-in, Enuresis' Abana H,eartCare Fibr-omyalgia* spiract.in Couple Pack (M'ale & -Female Viagra) (,sildenafil* -citrate, vi,agra) Dermatit.is Glucosam,ine & Chon-droiti_n (Chond+roitin Sulfate, glu'cosa-mine sulfate,) Zero Nic*otine - sterapred' ds Avand.amet — Diab-etes, Bl.ood Sugar Toradol *— Pain, A_nalg+esic, Eye Alle.rgy Loe-ffler's Syndrome -Iridoc-yclitis pariet+ Plan, B [planb.] (Levon_orgestrel, Lev,onelle, No*rLevo,, Postinor, birt.h control,. levlen) Acto*nel (Ri'sedronic ac*id, risedron,ate sodi_um, o+steoporosis,' Avestra, No.rsed, Optin*ate,' Osteoclax, Osteo,nate, ,Ribastamin, Ris'ofos) supr'a S*ulfasalazine_ [sulfa+salazine] (Azulfid_ine+, Salazopyrin) M+alegra DXT _(Sildena-fil _+ Duloxetine) [s*ildenafildul,oxe'tine] (sil_denafil cit_rate, du+loxetine, 'viagra, cymbalta*, yentr'eve) caldec*ort Cial.is + Viagra. Powerp-ack — ED,+ Erectile Dysfuncti-on, Erecti+on_, Impotence Lipotr+exate [_lipotrexate]' (Weight L.os,s, diet, diet p*ills) laniazi_d Addi_ction R*umalaya — Arthriti's, S-pondylosis, Inf_lammation,, Fibrosi,tis, Bu'rsitis, Synovi'tis, Caps*ulitis,, Tenosy,novitis, Myositis., S-ciatica, Arthr.algia, Gout, A'dhesive .Caps,ulitis cla*ribid Ureth'ritis omn+ipen neem b+lood sugar ba+yer a.sa aspirin 'pyrantel pamoate_ l'omper Memor_y Misopros_tol (Cytotec) -Sterap-red (Omnipred,_ Predniso-ne, Delt*asone, Liqu-id Pred, Meticor*ten, Or+asone, Pr_ednice-n-M, Sterapre-d, Sterapred' DS, p.redisone) Bronch+itis Cl'eocin (C,lindamycin+, Dalacin, Clin.a,cin, Evoclin) glad,em di*clozip Clarina *Cr'eam Aneurys*m Pain R_elief glunat z.etia Nimo.top (Nimodipine*)_ HDL Increased -Eye +Pressure euglotab M,er,onem IV (Mer'openem, Merrem) 'm,ovox diaform+in Ticks mov,alis avan-za Neuro*bion Forte (B1+B6_+B12)* [neurobionforte_] heart-worms- apo-norflox -Cialis + Viagr_a Power,pack .[cialisviag'ra] (Tadalaf-il, Sildenafil). vi*tiligo rebe'tol Ponstel (mefe,na.mic acid, Pon,stan, Pons-tal, Parkeme*d, Mafepain-, M'ephadolor, Mefta'l, Dyfenami*c, P_otarlon, Dol-fenal, Meye-rdonal) Rocalt-rol (cal'citr,iol) Yaz (*Crisanta L_S) urocit-k c-hronic stable- angina ar*coxia su,matriptan aloe* ve,ra juice (wi_th hone_y, ginger & lemon,) brisking. isotan.e Suprapub,ic Pai,n Lovaza [lov,aza] (Omega-3 f'atty acid)+ dependence+ Hyd*rochlorothiazi'de [hy.drochlorothia+zide]. (Apo-Hydro, Aqua.zide -H, Dichlotr,ide, Hydrodiur+il, Hy,droSal+uric, Micr-ozide, Oretic, Modu-r_etic, Inderide+, Dyazide, Alda*ctazide,, Aldoril, HC,TZ, HC'T, HZT) O.phthac'are Eye Drops — C+onjunct-ivitis, Eye-strain, _Eye Inflammatio,n Depak-ote — Bi+polar Diso,rder, Ma.nic Episodes*, Mania, D_epression,+ Migrai_ne, Epilepsy, Seiz'ures Mestin,on — Myast'henia .Gravis Cove*rsyl — High- Bl+ood Pressure,+ Hypertension V'astarel+ — Angina, Pectoris Viagr-a Soft T'abs — Erecti-l_e Dysfunction, Male+ Enhanc-ement+, Erection, Impo.tence ar_mix elavil ost_e.oporosis treatme*nt Ýęńďîđň_čđîâŕňü â* CSV -Ďîęŕçŕňü ńďčńî-ę ę,ëţ÷ĺâčęîâ Ń-ďčńîę ďđĺďŕđŕňî'â cialis je,lly+ milophene thyroid+ at,ripla Lotrisone ,(clotrimazo,le+, betamethason+e) ocular. hypertensio-n Pro ED _Pack (Vi*agra Profess-ional + Ciali-s Professi-onal) [pro*pack+] (sild*enafil citrate, ta,dalafi-l, viagra, cial*is) f,lixotide Strome+ctol (ive_rmecti.n, Mect.izan, Ivexterm,+ Avermect,in) Cyk'lokapron [cyk+lokapron] ('Tranex-amic ac+id, Transamin,Tra_nscam', Espercil) Nasa'l Conges,tion Viagr_a Profe'ssional (Si-ldenafil citr.ate_, viagra) Blasto+myco_sis Myopath,y Liver Protecti,on Premarin- [premar.in] (estrogen', estr,ogens) Antidep+ress'ants Topama.x [topama,x] (Topiramate*, pain,* topomax) ,risofos vals'artan karv,ea Ab'ilify [abilify] (*Aripi_prazole, A'rizol, Arlemid'e, Br*isking, Ilimit, I.r.azem, Real One) Tr.amadol +[tramadol] (,Adol_an, Anadol, Con-tramal, Dol_ol, D.olzam, Dro'madol, tra*madal, Ixprim, R,ali_via, Tramadex*, Tramal, Trid-ura_l, Utram, Ult,ram ER, Zamad.ol, Zydol-, Zytrim,+ pain_, ultracet+) Dilantin — Epile.psy, 'Seizures,, Antiepi-letic Sper.m Motility Triamci,nol,one Oral P.aste [triamc*inolonecream] ,(Ari'stocort, Kenalog,' Triderm, -triaderm)
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