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| author: ExploreNetwork[mensajespositivos.net] Mensaje especial para el año nuevo
| author: ExploreNetworkLes deseamos un feliz año nuevo y nuestros mejores deseos
para el 2013, aqui les enviamos 2 reflexiones:
Pensamiento positivo para el año nuevo:
Año nuevo, año viejo: la gratitud:
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The first-rate night of delight is for you
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Video K a r a o k e 53 Discos Compactos en Un Solo Pack
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| author: ExploreNetworkHello,
We got your contact through a reliable source as the leading
company/supplier of of the product we need to supply our customer.
We are into importer and customer representative here in our country
and we will like to enter into full business relationship with your
able company.
Kindly get back to us through our below details with the items which
you can supply to us along with the full detail specification for our
study and order. Kindly confirm the below details so we can proceed.
- Your minimum order quantity.
- Your FOB Prices and FOB Port.
- Your estimated delivery time.
- Your Method Of Payment
- Your Sample Policy
Kindly log into the link below to view samples of the product we need
for supply.
We want to place and order large quantity this month,
We believe that your company can serve better in the supply of the
items.Can you handle this contract?
Our company shall be acting as your representative between you and the
end buyer for the purpose of this transaction, and you shall map out
2% commission of the total contract value, as our compensation upon
the successful conclusion of this transaction after you must have
received your total contract payment in your designated bank account.
We sincerely hope to establish a long lasting business relationship
with your firm in the nearest future for our mutual benefit.
We anticipate your co-operation and prompt response to our request soonest.
Best Regards,
Ahmed Hossain
Kiaalua LTD
C-57, D.C.C. Market, (1st Floor) North Gulshan Circle-2,
Tel: 029884197, 028812347
Do you wish to impress your woman tonight?
| author: ExploreNetworkhttp://epneiva.gov.co/draw.html Be yourself, act splendid in bed
Confirmación de Baja de negocios-inteligentes.com
| author: ExploreNetworkPor razones de seguridad, para evitar que otras personas puedan
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Amiruddin Pase: Ketua Preman Pasar Pagesangan
| author: ExploreNetworkReadMore : [ Amiruddin Pase: Ketua Preman Pasar Pagesangan ]
This is the popular Finarch Limited, an investment company that focuses on seed capital for early stage start-up businesses, existing LLC and total completion and expansion of investment projects with direct funding. We provide financing/loans to individuals, Small-cap, publicly traded companies, etc at an interest rate of 3%. Our mission is to add value by providing not only financial resources and industry knowledge, but hands-on M&A strategy and implementation.
Our interests are lower than your local lenders, and our conditions are easier to meet. Contact us today for more info.
Full Name:
Loan Amount Needed:
We will serve you better.
Interested in your product!!
| author: ExploreNetworkHello,
My name is Susan Mcoy, sales manager of Omaha Group of company's, we are
interested in your product,and the product is attached to view. Once
viewed,kindly get back to us with the details listed below:
For the security and authenticity
of our new brand,we do not share our sample drawings.
Review samples drawings and provide us with details below:
1: Let us know immediately if your company can produce to specification,to
allow us determine the quantity list to order.
2: Please tell us means of payment and how many days it will take you to
produce after part payment is made to you.
3: We also want to know the quantity that can contain 1x20ft. We will
provide you with a brand name for the label on our goods.
We need your immediate response and pray this is the beginning of a good
business relationship in the near future.
Susan Mcoy
Omaha Group of Company.
Check out these foreclosed properties
| author: ExploreNetwork Hello, Thank you. Confirmación de Baja de negocios-inteligentes.com| author: ExploreNetworkPor razones de seguridad, para evitar que otras personas puedan
[mensajespositivos.net] ~ Libérate ~| author: ExploreNetwork Alégrate de ser quien eres! Alégrate de ser tu mismo! Descomplícate, libérate de lo superfluo y vano, de las preocupaciones por lo que otros tienen y tú crees que a ti te falta. Ha recibido este mensaje porque está suscrito a los Grupos de Google "mensajespositivos.net" grupo. Para enviar a este grupo, envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico a mensajesparati@gmail.com Para anular la suscripción a este grupo/dar de baja, envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico a mensajesparati-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Para obtener más opciones, visita este grupo en http://groups.google.com/group/mensajesparati?hl=es Jornal Delfos| author: ExploreNetwork
The Promotion Department BMW Automobiles.| author: ExploreNetworkThe Promotion Department
GOOD NEWS I am JOHN ANDERSON Director Inspection Unit, United Nations Inspection Agent here in Washington USA. During our investigation, I discovered that there is a fund in your name that needs to be released to you but due to some obstacles, you have not received it. The details of the fund including your name, the official document from United Nations office in London are NOT tagged on the document of the fund, details of which will be forwarded to you upon receipt of your response. For mutual benefit, please provide me with your Phone Number and your full address, and reply so that I can give you the good news and my full details and also of the transaction. I will give you contacts for people that I have assisted to receive their fund in Europe and Canada, as well as here in the States. Your urgent response is needed with your full details if you are interested. Call me immediately Tele; 509 592 9438 E-mail: andersonmrjohn@yahoo.com.hk Best Regards JOHN ANDERSON
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Re: Fwd: Scan from a HP ScanJet #2633| author: ExploreNetworkA document was scanned and sent to you using a Hewlett-Packard HP6339561 Confirmación de Baja de negocios-inteligentes.com| author: ExploreNetworkPor razones de seguridad, para evitar que otras personas puedan
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Maestría en Criminología y Seguridad en la Empresa| author: ExploreNetwork
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Re: Fwd: Banking security update.
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View details
Best regards,
Security department
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